Free from hidden fees

Our MarketPlace platform provides a transparent trading environment that matches sellers with buyers and gives them both a say in price setting. Growers can determine sell price and sell to marketers in confidence with no hidden fees to the buyer or seller.

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Confident marketing decisions

DailyGrain provides daily prices from all major buyers who wish to post bids, and provides a great insight to pricing trends and movements. MarketPlace allows buyers and sellers to set a price and volume that they wish to trade at. Upon any trade the grower and the buyer will be confidentially notified of who both parties are in the trade.

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Tailored membership

DailyGrain supports all likely stakeholders who trade grain and provides grower, consultant, buyer and corporate memberships. CBH shareholders have the benefit of a free Basic membership, which provides the essential information to be informed of commodity prices and transact on MarketPlace.

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Features you will love

  • Prices
    Select as many commodities as you wish to track with daily prices posted by Marketers.

    You can add multiple commodities to your Top 5 page and view across 3 seasons. When selecting the 5 commodities you wish to have notifications for you can only have a total of 5 across any of the 3 seasons. Please note we provide the Basis value in US cents per bushel for wheat. You can also view multigrade spreads from buyers and a quick chart option can also be used to view price change over a selected period.

  • Charting
    Create your own commodity charts so you can track changes over the season and compare to previous years.

    This feature is very useful when wanting to review performance of commodity prices over a period. You can select cash prices, decile charts and seasonal fluctuations over multiple ports. You can create as many charts as you like.

  • Marketplace
    Set the price and who you want to sell your grain to on a secure and fee free platform.

    MarketPlace is an online platform where Western Australian grain sellers match their asked prices for wheat, barley, canola, oats and lupins to buyers automatically within the MarketPlace system.

    MarketPlace gives you the option of loading your preferred grain offer volume and price onto the platform to attract a matching buyer bid. Once a bid is matched with your offer a sale is automatically triggered. The grain is nominated to the buyer, and they will pay you as per their terms. You can select the time you wish your offer to be valid for and can always withdraw the offer at any time by opening the My Activity tab and clicking the Chevron at the end of the Offer line.

    MarketPlace also supports a Forward market, however the matching of Bids and Offers requires manual matching.  Growers can simply select the bid they wish to match off on and enter a volume of grain they wish to make an offer for.

  • Price alerts
    Set custom price alerts to inform you of when selected commodities hit price targets.

    Price alerts are a fantastic feature to let members know when a price is reached for a selected commodity. If any Top 5 bids hit the target alert a notification is sent to the member. We also provide a stop alert if the price then falls back below the nominated alert.

  • Grain optimisation
    Inclusion of OptimiserPLUS for Premium grower members to calculate the best value outcome for wheat on quality and forward contract optimisation.

    OptimiserPLUS not only supports the QO (grain quality optimisation) it calculates the optimum return in consideration of any forward contracts with multigrade spreads as well. The algorithm runs multiple scenarios to determine the highest return across QO and contract to provide the highest returning scenario.

    Depending on season and the contract multigrade spreads, some growers have received strong returns of over $10/mt and on average the return for contract optimisation alone has been approximately $2/mt. Once the final optimisation has been accepted, any loads that are optimised to a new grade is completed automatically and nomination to contracts can be completed using this service.

  • LoadNet® integration
    MarketPlace is coupled with LoadNet and ensures accurate and reduced administration of your offers by directly selecting your delivered loads in CBH and on MarketPlace.

    MarketPlace is directly coupled with LoadNet to ensure you are not needing to duplicate effort across multiple applications to market and sell your grain. This provides an accurate load by load selection for creating your offer on MarketPlace and ensures the loads are held until a matching bid is made and trade. If at any time a load is nominated elsewhere, the entire offer is automatically withdrawn to safeguard growers and prevent duplicate sale.

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