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New at DailyGrain the 4 Features you need to know

Blog 4 new updates
1. Changes to how you offer volume (mt) 
New option to select either a volume of grain to offer, or select loads. The volume you place on offer will be valid for sale unless the required volume of un-nominated grain is not available. When the grain trades, the loads are nominated immediately automatically splitting the last load to meet the specific offer volume. The loads are selected by the oldest loads first, or for wheat any QO loads will be selected first. You will continue to be able to select specific loads if you wish to manage the loads selected. 

2. Option to edit your offer  
New edit the price and volume. You can now edit your offer at any time without having to withdraw and create a new offer. You can change the price and volume when you have a set volume offer, or the price on offers you have selected specific loads. Following editing of price or volume you will see a new offer created and the old offer is cancelled and recorded as Edit / replace offer.  

3.  Removal of conflicting information 
Removal of the Published Price on the trade report – DailyGrain top 5 allows Buyers to show pricing with multiple parameters, meaning that MarketPlace was not always able to pull a ‘like for like’ price and would pull the closest match; therefore we’ve removed it.   

4. Ability to cross reference in LoadNet
The CBH nomination request number is now available for each trade in members trades summary under MyActivity. This will allow members to quickly cross reference any trades on MarketPlace with the nomination in LoadNet.  

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